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Dissolver (Mischkneter)

Dissolver DS 1.02.
Der Dissolver DS 1.02. hat solche technischen Daten.
die Produktivität:
- der Grundanstrich - 2 Tonnen/Schicht,
- die Farbe - 1 Tonne/Schicht,
- der PVA-Kleber - 800 Kg/Schicht,
- der Spachtel - 500 Kg/Schicht
Der Dissolver wird in solche Komplettierung geliefert:
- der Steuerblock des Dissolveres (die Drehzahlregelung, das Programmieren der Funktionen);
- die Zufuhrleitung der flüssigen Komponenten;
- die einstellbaren Stützen;
- die Auffahrtsrampe;
- der Universalfräser ( Pulveranstrich);
- das schnellabnehmbare Futter für den Fräser.

Preis: $ 2 000,00

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Suppliers of raw material:

Suppliers of raw material for the production of LKM

1 IKS:
Individual capital machine-tool - 1iks. A machine-tool absorbed in itself all of advantages, including a price, from "Dream of person Building", but facilities are added simplifying work and off-loading workings physically...

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Dream of person Building:
Mini-vibrostanok "Dream of person building" - intended for making of shlakoblokov and build blocks, utillized in mini-liniyakh on the production of shlakoblokov and for private building, price 210$ with delivery on the CIS, and Distant Foreignness.

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Stove dryings-obzharki of friable:
Stove dryings-obzharki of friable 30kg/ch, utillized in lines on frying of pips, nut, coffee, rusks et cetera Price - 780u.e. with delivery on the CIS

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Packing semi-automatic device:
A packing semi-automatic device nastol'nyy demountable with a by volume (or gravimetric) metering device. Utillized in lines after packing of friable (groats, sugar, macaronis, pips et cetera), lines on the production of zharennykh pips, rusks, blown up grains, popkorna et cetera Cost - 1300-1700$

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Plastificiruyuschaya addition:
Universal Plastificiruyuschaya Addition is an unique mean for raising of profitability production of concrete wares. Befits for production of shlakobloka (above all things), fences, tile, monuments et cetera Properties: 1 kg are saved by 50 kg of cement, at the cost of UPD 5 kg, umenyashaet'sya...

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Ukraine, Kirovogradskaya obl., Alexandria,
street Kukolovskoe of highway 5, Alexandrian car repair Service factory,
tel./fax +38 (05235) 7 71 93
ICQ: 491675177
e-mail: msd@inbox.ru
+38 (067) 265 07 55 — Vadim, manager (prices, terms of acquisition, consultations)
+38 (098) 989 79 09 — Valentin, manager (sale and purchase of equipment)
+38 (050) 457 13 30 — Rashid, on general questions, new directions, wholesale realization
+38 (050) 990 30 38 — Olya, secretary (questions of reception and transmission of faxes, e-mails)